26th April - 3rd May 2025

Most people will never achieve the life of their dreams.

Distractions are rampant. Hungry ghosts are everywhere. The demands of modern living leave you stressed, exhausted, deflated, irritated and lacking motivation.

Confused. Complacent.

Kicking stones at the base of the mountain, rather than reaching for new heights.

It’s insane that people choose the pain and discomfort of wallowing in stagnation, instead of the pain and challenge of facing their shadows, growing through hardship and transforming their reality.

Another year goes by.

Another mediocre life of unfulfilled potential.

Another dream dies a lonely death in the bone pile of life.

If you want an exceptional life, you must be willing to do exceptional things.

You must be willing to go against the grain.

You must be willing to be the exception to the norm.

Cut the distractions and limiting beliefs.

Stop the endless cycle of confusion and stagnation.

You need vision.

Imagine this: you’re solo fasting out in the wilderness. Four days and four nights in the wild cocoon of nature. Winds whisper across mountain peak and lowland valley. Shooting stars whir over your head in the dark of night. The creatures of the forest speak to you in mysterious ways.

Nothing but you and the wild emanation of nature; of spirit.

This is what your ancestors were doing for thousands of years.

Fasting in nature. Asking the big questions. Severing from the endless distractions. Gaining clarity on the path forward. Receiving medicine gifts to bring back to community. Reclaiming personal power. Opening the doors to a more rich and meaningful existence. Seeking vision for a life aligned to mission, vision, purpose.

This is not metaphorical.

Nor a thing of the past.

It’s still available.

It’s still alive.

For the people that choose to deviate from the norms of modern living, who choose to sever from the conditioned expectations of society, who refuse to succumb to complacency and stagnation, this is the potential.

Imagine what’s possible when you have the courage to explore new edges, to sit in silence and solitude in the vast expanse of nature, letting spirit speak through you in a powerful way.

Imagine your own esoteric transformation, exploring new depths and bringing that transmission back for your people as valuable insight, much needed change, and profound wisdom.

Intentional action and purposeful living.

Vision Quest holds the key.


- Maurice Parfait

“I can’t express how monumentally life altering this experience was for me… emerging as a Man with renewed vitality, greater clarity of the bigger vision, and my power and place in manifesting it.

And most importantly, with the beautifully heavy responsibility and commitment of service to my tribe and progress toward my North Star.

Thank you once again for all of the energy, blood, sweat, tears, love, care and life force you poured into facilitating our Vision Quest in the almighty Gariwerd mountains last week.”

It’s time to answer that bone-deep call;

to explore more of your truth; your gifts; your power;

your potential; your vision for life…

Vision Quest is one of the most ancient and powerful initiatory passage rites available to us in the modern era.

Wilderness guide and mythologist, Dr Martin Shaw, says it like this:

“We are out there to hear more than the whirring cogs of our own drama. The emphasis in rites of passage is you need to be porous to the mysteries awhile. And most of us need quite a shakedown to get to that point…

It’s only then you may breathe deep enough to behold what the gods are trying to really disclose to you. And traditionally that’s best encountered in a wild and lonely place.”

This Vision Quest, aka Wilderness Vigil / Vision Fast, follows the classic architecture of many ancient nature-based initiations:

  1. Severance

  2. Threshold

  3. Return

Over four days and four nights, you’re fasting in solitude, sitting in a small dreaming wheel, and untethering yourself from the comforts and familiarities of daily life.

You’re engaged in meaningful personal ceremony, listening to the outer lands —and your rich inner land— for the gifts that await, and bringing those gifts back as a medicine offering to your people, to assist during these confused and troubled times.

This is your opportunity to see anew.

To tend to the challenges of life.

To call in your greater vision.

To return regenerated.

“Wilderness. The word itself is music.”

- Edward Abbey

These are the reasons to answer the bone-deep call to Quest:

  • Seeking answers to life’s big questions

  • Personal transformation and reclaiming your personal power

  • Seeking clarity, meaning and deeper purpose

  • Finding your authentic soul path

  • Calling in a life reset

  • Shaking up the stagnancy and busyness of daily life

  • Purification from the distractions and addictions of modern living

  • Tending to unacknowledged grief

  • Reconnecting with what you truly yearn for

  • Experiencing your heart and soul in a deep and meaningful way

  • Life transitions; including severing the old and birthing the new

  • Exploring the mysteries and divine communion with nature

  • To dream and be dreamt by the wild mythic stories of the land

  • Marking, honouring, or celebrating the story of your life

What’s included in this program?

This eight day initiation is here to support the evolution of your soul and anchor in a renewed sense of vision for your life.

This is what you can expect to receive:

  • An entire 8 day BYO camping gear wilderness immersion close to The Grampians, approx 3.5 hours from Melbourne CBD

  • Main meals provided before and after your Vision Fast (organic and locally sourced as much as possible)

  • Two days of on-site preparation for your solo Quest, including site selection and group ceremony designed to enhance the initiatory process

  • Four days and four nights of solo wilderness time in your designated Vision Quest, fasting in solitude and engaged in personal ceremony

  • A day and a half of on-site integration after your solo wilderness time Questing, including group ceremonial reincorporation processes

  • Psycho-emotional and spiritual support throughout the program

  • Digital detox; give yourself a clean break from the phones, technology and endless distractions so you can truly rest, rejuvenate and reset

  • Access wild states of consciousness and soul-spirit awareness

  • One group preparation call 2-3 weeks prior to arrival, to meet the others and ask any lingering questions

  • One group integration call approx 2-3 weeks after, to anchor in the insights and revelations

  • A comprehensive equipment list and supportive preparation details sent out to you upon confirmation in this gathering

If you’re wanting more in depth information regarding the Vision Quest process, click here to read more.

No prior camping experience is needed to participate in this gathering.

You’ll also receive our


We’re so confident that this program will transform your life in one way or another that we’re willing to bet the following:

If you fully complete this 8 day program and you:

  • Don’t feel like you’ve gained any insight

  • Haven’t received any depth of connection

  • You haven’t experienced some kind of transformation

  • Sincerely feel that it’s been a complete waste of your time…

We’ll offer you a complete and total refund of your donation within one week of the program end date. Just email and we’ll sort it out. As easy as that.

We can almost make the same guarantee that you won’t need to do any of that. That’s the kind of power and potential this work has to offer.


- Peter Ballas

“At 57 years old, I had a calling for a nature-based vigil to reflect and work through unanswerable questions:

Who was I?
What was my life purpose?

What will my next chapter be?
What do I do with the bone pile dragging behind me?

After meeting Caiyuda, I completed my first Vision Quest at 58 years old in Oct 2024. It was THE most powerful transformation process I had ever experienced. Caiyuda’s facilitation, guidance, and ability to hold space was first class.

I emerged from the VQ with my bone pile formally buried; a metaphorical death and a clearer vision of who I was. And more importantly, who I wasn’t. I’m clearer on the choices I need to make to write the next chapter of my life. If you are hearing the call, jump in… transformation is waiting.”





The total donation covers the preparation, organisation, resources and transmission surrounding the entirety of this gathering. All donations are necessary to ensure the longevity and continued commitment that these wisdom ways remain alive in modern times.

There are multiple methods to make your donation for this gathering.

  • Cryptocurrency

  • Bank transfer

  • Payment plan

For those that have attended a prior Vision Quest or Pilgrimage, a further $150 is reduced from either the Early Bird or Regular Donation, depending on time frame.

Prior to payment, please ensure your Private Member Registration / Pre-Screen Intake Form has been completed and approved by us first.


Please use the details below to make full donation, and in the reference description, please type “Donation”. Please also send us a copy of your transaction receipt, or a screenshot, so that we can track donations.

Account name: Earth Wisdom Association
BSB: 313140
Account Number: 12423538


To continue untethering ourselves from the centralized FIAT system, crypto is the preferred method of donation. Most bluechip options are available, eg - BTC. USDT. XRP. ADA. DOT etc.

Please let us know if crypto works for you, and we can send appropriate details for deposit.

Using crypto is incentivized at a reduced donation cost of a further $50 off.


Please communicate with us if you have trouble making full donation up front. We can accommodate with payment plan options, made via four payments of $520 AUD.

It’s time to reclaim your own blossoming…

Vision Quest presents a clear invitation to thoughtfully address some of life’s big questions.

  • “Who am I?”

  • “How are my wounds and gifts related?”

  • “What medicines do I have to offer the world?”

  • “Who are my people and how am I serving them?”

  • “Where am I within the ever-changing seasons and cycles of my life?”

  • “Where am I refusing to acknowledge and claim my own unique blossoming?

Sincerely reflecting on these questions can open opportunities to get in touch with your soul path; your original blueprint; your true nature, a deeper sense of belonging within community and nature.

This is more than just personal growth; it’s about stepping into the power, clarity and confidence that inspires others.

It’s about grounding your vision with intentional action and becoming a beacon of purpose amongst your peers and people.

This is about clarifying your unique path of living a vision-led life. It’s about cultivating the kind of alignment that sets you apart.

Mission, vision, purpose, intention, health, vitality.

Make no mistake, the Vision Quest is one of the most ancient and powerful nature-based initiatory experiences and rites of passage that we have access to.

If you’re ready to join thousands of others who have transformed their lives, achieved major breakthroughs, and gained deep soul-level clarity through Vision Quest, here is your invitation.

This journey is for you.

Nature is talking…

Are you listening?


- Michelle Allen

“Wow… Intense and super confronting. This is such a powerful path.

It never ceases to amaze me what unfolds after the experience. The clarity, healing and expanded awareness that has come through these last few days has been PROFOUND. On a physical, mental and spiritual level!

I’ve been called to these ancient ways of healing for some time and feel so, so grateful that I came across Caiyuda to guide me into this path. I’m feeling humbled, grounded, super conscious, connected, CLEAR and very certain about myself and my path and what I am here to do.

If these ancient ways into sacred healing are calling, this here is your man. A true modern day Shaman doing work that has chosen him to the highest degree. Looking forward to the next journey.”

Reserve Your Place Now…

Please fill out your pre-screen intake form and let us know of your intent to join below, alongside your preferred payment method.

“It is good to be alone, for solitude is difficult; that something is difficult should be one more reason to do it."

- Rainer Maria Rilke




The total donation covers the preparation, organisation, resources and transmission surrounding the entirety of this gathering. All donations are necessary to ensure the longevity and continued commitment that these wisdom ways remain alive in modern times.

There are multiple methods to make your donation for this gathering.

  • Cryptocurrency

  • Bank transfer

  • Payment plan

For those that have attended a prior Vision Quest or Pilgrimage, a further $150 is reduced from either the Early Bird or Regular Donation, depending on time frame.

Prior to payment, please ensure your Private Member Registration / Pre-Screen Intake Form has been completed and approved by us first.


Please use the details below to make full donation, and in the reference description, please type “Donation”. Please also send us a copy of your transaction receipt, or a screenshot, so that we can track donations.

Account name: Earth Wisdom Association
BSB: 313140
Account Number: 12423538


To continue untethering ourselves from the centralized FIAT system, crypto is the preferred method of donation. Most bluechip options are available, eg - BTC. USDT. XRP. ADA. DOT etc.

Please let us know if crypto works for you, and we can send appropriate details for deposit.

Using crypto is incentivized at a reduced donation cost of a further $50 off.


Please communicate with us if you have trouble making full donation up front. We can accommodate with payment plan options, made via four payments of $520 AUD.


In appreciation and honour of this service, your commitment to attending, and the entire organisation of this gathering, donations remain non-refundable.

If cancellation occurs prior to 21 days of this gathering, your donation (minus 30% admin cancellation fee) can be used as credit for a later date, or exchanged with someone else who is interested in filling your place, provided they are approved to participate.

As stated in the Private Members T&A:

24. All Private Members understand and agree that all donations are non-refundable, unless otherwise stated. Specific details regarding donations will be disclosed for each specific service prior to commencement.

These strict Terms & Agreements maintain the integrity of the container and your unwavering commitment to the path ahead.

As stated above, this program has an exclusive “No-Vision No-Pay” guarantee. If after completing this 8 day program you don’t feel like you’ve received any kind of insight, depth of connection, or transformation of some kind, and you sincerely feel that it’s been a complete waste of your time, we’ll offer you a complete refund of your donation within one week of the program end date.


- Tracey Burgess | Mama Gaia

What an exceptional experience you created for us all. The most sacred and yet daunting thing I have ever done. I’m envisioning what the new ‘Book of Gaia’ looks like and what I want to bring into my life, alongside my medicine gifts to offer community & spirit.

I’ve been simmering in my new inner wisdom and integrating this profound experience. I’m forever grateful for the profound healing that I received.

I would recommend this to any one who is up for a challenge and who is willing to go within… who really wants to move their soul to evolve, grow, expand, push the boundaries and become the person they want to be.

All the answers are within us… we just need the time out…no distractions. Nature is our mirror.”


1. What is a Vision Quest?

A Vision Quest is a wilderness-based rite of passage rooted in ancient traditions. It involves spending time in nature, in solitude, in a small circle, to connect deeply with yourself, your purpose, and the natural world. This experience includes fasting, introspection, and spiritual guidance, with experienced facilitators in a supportive environment.

2. Who is the Vision Quest for?

This experience is for anyone seeking clarity, personal transformation, or a deeper connection with their inner truth. It’s especially powerful for those at a crossroads in life, feeling called to step into more of their potential, or wanting to explore spiritual growth in a grounded way. 

3. What if I’ve never camped or set-up a shelter before?

No problem. Part of the preparation process includes guidance in choosing a suitable Quest site (hazard reduction), and tips on constructing a simple yet effective tarp shelter to offer some protection from the elements. Many participants are first-timers and find their solo time in nature deeply empowering. 

No prior wilderness or camping experience is necessary.

4. What do I need to bring? Will I be warm enough?

A detailed equipment list will be provided after confirmation of your place in the program. Items fall into two categories: basecamp gear, and the bare necessities of what you need out in your Quest circle. Typical items include weather-appropriate clothing, a sleeping bag, a tarp for shelter, and personal essentials. Minimalism is encouraged to help you connect with the simplicity of the experience.

5. Will I be completely alone during this process?

While this is an 8 day program, the first two days and last day and half will be at basecamp, preparing and integrating as a group. During the heart of the program, you will have 4 days and 4 nights alone in your Quest Circle, also called a Dreaming Wheel. Depending on the safety protocol that we implement, your facilitator may “check-in” with you once per day, to ensure your wellbeing. Aside from this, it’s intended that you’re in complete solitude during your time in your Dreaming Wheel.

6. I have difficulty feeling safe in a group experience. What advice do you have?

The group dynamic that forms for each program often seems to contain the medicine that we most need at the time. Generally the group dynamic is an equal split, however every so often it’s skewed in one direction. All participants have been vetted through the same Pre-Screen Intake Form to ensure suitability and alignment with the values, vision and agreements of the Earth Wisdom Association. Because of this, the group of people that come together for these programs is typically of a high caliber, creating a container that allows for emotional vulnerability and to be held by a solid group dynamic.

6. Is there plant medicine involved?

It's important to note that Vision Quest is an immensely powerful process in it's own right. Hence, there is no part of the process that incorporates the use of plants.

7. I’ve never water fasted before, or for that length of time. How do I prepare?

Part of the preparation material after your confirmation in this program includes guidance on how to appropriately prepare for your 4 days and 4 nights of fasting in your Dreaming Wheel. While you won’t be eating during your time in Quest, you will have adequate water to keep you hydrated.

Everybody responds different to fasting. Some participants experience moments of fogginess or discomfort during the process. This is a normal part of fasting, as the body adjusts to operating without food. With appropriate preparation, most people find it to be an easeful transition— tapering off your caloric intake at basecamp, to fasting only on water in your Quest circle, and then slowly reintroducing food upon your return back to camp.

8. What if the weather is bad?

The Vision Quest proceeds in most weather conditions. Connecting with and being at the mercy of the elements is part of the experience. We keep a close eye on severe weather conditions —such as thunderstorms and bushfires— through appropriate emergency apps, and will make decisions accordingly based on the safety of all participants.

9. What about getting hurt or injuring myself during my Quest?

Before you go out, you’ll receive thorough guidance on how to choose a safe site and minimize risks. You’ll also be encouraged to bring your own First Aid Kit for basic needs, and be equipped with a signalling system (like a whistle or other agreed method) to call for help if necessary.

This experience isn’t necessarily about testing your wilderness survival skills but about deepening your connection with yourself and nature; spirit. Most participants find that with preparation, their time alone feels empowering rather than dangerous.

10. What happens after the Vision Quest?

Integration, also known as incorporation or “the return” is a key part of the process. Some say that the real Quest begins after your formal Vision Quest ends. We’ll gather online, approx. 2-3 weeks after Quest, to keep the energy and momentum of Quest alive, and to help you reflect on your insights and integrate them into your daily life. 

11. How do I know if I’m ready for this?

If you feel a deep pull toward this experience, even with some uncertainty or fear, that’s often a sign you’re ready. This isn’t about being “perfectly prepared”—it’s about answering the call to step into something that has the capacity to deep transform your life and catalyze you into the next stage of claiming your greater potential.

Join thousands of others who have Transformed Their Lives and gained Deep Soul-Level Clarity through Vision Quest

Please fill out your pre-screen intake form BY CLICKING HERE and let us know of your intent to join, alongside your preferred payment method.