The challenges and complexities of modern life are many.
On one hand, worldly pleasures and sparkly objects are ripe for the picking. Yet deep-down, we feel the pit of despair that leaves us yearning for something greater.
More depth; meaning; clarity; purpose; fulfilment; connection; abundance.
It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that most people are grasping at the wrong solutions.
Or maybe it does?
The overarching dominant systems have done a mighty fine job at programming, conditioning and indoctrinating the population at large. Disconnecting us from our power; our truth; our vitality; our roots. Perpetuating the struggle; the dis-ease; the burnout; the rat race.
Keeping people tethered to a system that fundamentally strips people of their true health, sovereignty and connection to the divine.
How can we carve out our own unique path of abundance when we’ve been given such an unfair disadvantage to begin with? Trying to play catch up, getting caught in the pressures of work / life / relationship / health balance. The inner critic. The overthinking.
Forget the external wars for just a second… The internal battle is exhausting.
We’ve been taught for so long that to get ahead we need to grind it out, go hard, sleep when you’re dead. These maxims are worthless when you’re running on empty and your nervous system’s close to burn out.
Something has to change.
And it is.
The great awakening. The great revealing. It’s happening.

“My experience during The Pilgrimage was one of pure alignment. I felt cracked open and hollowed out, expanded and reinvigorated.
The experience had a profound impact in many ways. The connection with the divine masculine was something I have not experienced in my life prior to this journey. The format and flow of the pilgrimage spoke to every aspect of my bones, I no longer felt like a square peg trying to fit into a round hole.
I am so grateful for this opportunity and for the integrity of the container Cai holds.”

Can you feel the fire that burns deep in your belly?
Is your heart yearning for something more?
You can’t sit back and be the passive observer, waiting for transformation to fall in your lap. It’s time to saddle up, grab the reigns, and be the masterful creators of a new reality.
Not pushing, not forcing. But from a place of integrity. Of being grounded, centred, committed, focused, relaxed, present, and fully in your power. This is the path of heart-centred and soul-oriented consciousness.
This is New Earth Leadership.

What’s the true cost of not claiming your worth;
your gifts; your power; your purpose?

The harsh truth is, by not solving these frustrations, the consequences are severe.
Playing small, caving into your own conditioning, your insecurities around self-esteem and worth, feeling unseen, under appreciated, spinning your wheels, never breaking free from those self-imposed limitations, the fears, the dissatisfactions.
The cost compounds into a life marked by regret, resentment, unexplored potential, failing health, loss of vitality, a burnt out nervous system, stagnation, depression. The deep yearning for something more gets buried, the inner critic grows, the addictions of life find their way through the cracks.
Yes, we’re in troubled times. And there’s always more to do. More action to take.
But most people don’t need more. They need less.
You need a break.
You need a breather.
To know the pulse of life; soul; spirit that wants to move through you, isn’t a mental pursuit you can just “figure out”…

“Thank you for guiding us towards these wisdom ways. Like magic spells, not the kind that disenchant and disillusion, but rather allow us to pierce the veil of distraction and disconnection, this pathway of remembrance is so incredibly needed in our modern world.
The Pilgrimage has opened me up to something I’ve been yearning for. A deeper sense of knowing, of belonging, of really connecting to what I know to be the truth of myself within my bones.
I’ve been blessed to spend time with many traditional healers and shamanic facilitators over the past 15 years, and let me say this… Your humble light shines bright, your wisdom extends well beyond your years, and the way that spirit works through you is powerful beyond measure.
I can’t thank you enough for offering this pathway of sincere transformation.”

You need to be with yourself; your whole self, in the silence and stillness of wild places.
Stretch back through the ages and there’s always been an ever-burning flame waiting for you to reclaim your power; your inner authority; your vitality; your spiritual connection.
This is the place where your soul gifts and purpose emerge with greater clarity. Not in the hustle; not in the grasping. It’s in nature’s spacious stillness where you allow the power of spirit to move through your body.
Embodied knowing. Embodied wisdom.
The question is, when was the last time you truly put yourself first and made a bone-deep commitment to enacting your own spiritual path; your gifts; your medicines; your vision for life?
It’s up to you to meet life as a co-creator and dream it into being.
It’s up to you to take action.

There was once an time where our ancestors knew;
that these troubled times were coming…

Sages; seers; mystics; those with prophetic vision.
They sat around ancient campfire, beating drum, shaking rattle, singing song. Praying for people like us to return home.
Toward earth-based wisdom traditions; shamanic pathways of healing; heart-centred and soul-oriented consciousness; living purposeful lives; making a difference to humanity; guided by reciprocity and harmony; stepping up and being the wise leaders that we so desperately need.
And it’s true, our wise ancestors also knew there would be many who would never escape the shackles and awaken to something greater; awaken to soul; awaken to truth.
We see it with our own eyes.
And if you’ve made it this far, I’m sure you feel that spark within, that primal knowing that you’re destined for something more.

We need to reclaim powerful rites of passage and nature-based initiations;
to foster the next revolution of consciousness.

Enter “The Pilgrimage: Shamanic Wilderness Expeditions”
This multi-day wilderness immersion offers a deep journey into the heart of nature-based wisdom traditions and shamanic processes for the expansion of consciousness. Awakening, healing, clarity, personal power, transformation; this is why our ancestors have long sought the potency of spiritual pilgrimage.
Revelation through direct experience.
Discovering the truth of who you really are.
We stand upon the threshold of a new era; a renaissance of consciousness. The new age of AI and digital tech promises a profound ability to transform our lives, and yet some would suggest that we’ve long had the appropriate technologies to help us correct course; to help us re-steer toward some shred of sanity in these troubled times.
Nature-based cultures have implemented shamanic pathways and natural technologies for thousands of years.
The times have changed, but the context of these powerful passage rites and initiations remain…
Expansion of consciousness, awakening the senses; discovering your unique soul path; holistic health principles; seeking truth; exploring the mysteries.
Are you yearning for more depth and spiritual insight?
Are you sick of playing small, feeling frustrated and invisible?
Are you craving wild wisdom, intuitive gnosis and deep shamanic awareness?
Are you ready to make a bone-deep commitment to your dreams and visions?
Are you ready to reclaim your inner authority, personal power and unearth your soul gifts and medicines?

If you’re curious,
The Pilgrimage beckons…

What can you expect?

The Pilgrimage is designed to help you develop nature-based wisdom skills, support your soul’s evolution and accelerate your spiritual expansion.
This multi-day and night experience is a catalyst for personal evolution that combines nature awareness skills, shamanic practice and philosophy, mysticism and spiritual awakening, ceremony, initiatory processes, psychological transformation, somatic healing, and wilderness mountain trekking.
Every gathering is unique in that it offers the opportunity to journey to and connect with different locations in nature as the seasons change; whether remote or semi-remote evocative landscapes.
We typically anchor ourselves at basecamp, and over the course of our journey, we guide you through a curated journey into a deeper understanding of self, nature, soul and spirit.
While ultimately a group experience, the container allows moments for solitude and silence; connecting with self and country, and moments to come together and journey as a collective.
There’s time for rest and stillness. And there’s time to be challenged and to meet new edges.
The terrain covered during our walks can be quite diverse; anything from undulating tracks with varying elevations, steep ascents and descents, overgrown trails, beautiful open spaces, and lengthy distances.
Not only may psycho-emotional and spiritual challenges present themselves, but physical stamina and endurance could be tested, with sweat on the brow a likely encounter. As such, a reasonable level of hiking fitness is required.

“The Pilgrimage was straight up magic; one of the most unique experiences of my life.
I’m so humbled and it is helping me reflect and examine my life as we speak. It’s allowed me to slow down, and has shown me how much we are taxing our nervous systems on a day-to-day basis living in this modern world.
Reawakening our forgotten instincts through this programme has helped me develop a deeper connection to nature.
I’m grateful to the mountains, medicine, Caiyuda and everyone I met through the program. This definitely has awakened my journey to go deep...”

What’s included in this program?

This four day initiation is here to support your soul’s evolution and accelerate your spiritual expansion.
This is what you can expect to receive:
4 day / 3 night BYO camping immersion
Main meals provided (organic and locally sourced as much as possible)
Plant wisdom ceremony and meditation; rekindle your connection to the divine within
Shamanic hiking/trekking; challenge yourself and experience the awe and wonder of the mountains
Teachings on mysticism and grounded spirituality to enhance the awakening processes
Movement practices to prepare your vessel for illumined states of consciousness
Learn nature-awareness skills to foster wild-consciousness and spiritual growth
Solo wilderness time designed to deepen your intimacy with nature and spirit
Cold water immersion; rejuvenate in natural waterways, or ice bath plunges
Access higher states of consciousness and soul-spirit awareness
Digital detox; take a break from tech so you can rest and reset
Psycho-emotional and spiritual support through the program
Post-Pilgrimage online call to anchor in group integration
And more mysteries that we can’t quite give away…

We pack a lot in, while leaving ample spaciousness;
to re-tune your awareness and deeply transform your life…

This is your invitation…
Pilgrimages have long been a portal to offer space and distance from our daily lives and all the habituated patterns and programs; to see things fresh; to step into new timelines and potentials.
This gathering is all about direct experiential gnosis on your unique and individual path of self mastery.
Are you ready to:
Call on a renewed depth of commitment to your spiritual growth and expansion?
Escape the digital chokehold and listen to the whispers that have been trying to get your attention?
Connect with the wild places full of wisdom; within yourself and within nature?
Deepen your relationship with your soul path and activate the spiritual gnosis that wants to move through you?

“The Pilgrimage was a homecoming, a deep sense of peace in my body for the first time in a long time.
This experience has been pivotal in serenading in new life, calling in the creative spark, aligning me with the capacity to remember my deep internal knowing. I found the strength to call all my energy and power back and begin to envision the fleshing out of a new, truer version of myself.
This has been such a powerful experience for me and every one of us. I see the way it affected every single person out there in those mountains and changed them on a fundamental level. I have never been more certain that this path of mystery, soul, nature rites, animism and connection is a universal language and natural way to healing and wholing ourselves…”

Explore the mystery.
Awaken your potential.
Reclaim your power.
Activate your medicine.
This is an opportunity to deeply transform your life through ancient shamanic practices, nature-awareness skills, earth-honouring ceremonies and expert facilitation of these wisdom ways.
You’ll learn skills that you can cultivate as a spiritual practice, or use them to amplify your camping and wilderness adventures. Skills that will help build an intimacy with your own bioregional locations.
You’ll experience powerful processes to anchor in a deeper sense of awareness and connection to your own personal power and internal rightness.
You’ll access higher states of consciousness that open pathways to heart-centred and soul-oriented leadership, while connecting with other like-hearted individuals on a similar journey.
You’ll meet new edges and challenges designed to support your spiritual awakening and soul expansion in a supportive and nurturing environment.
Truth be told, this is a potent opportunity to stoke the spiritual fires burning within your belly to move forward as a change-maker on this path of becoming a new earth leader.
This is about activating and amplifying your highest potential to inspire your loved ones and community. It’s about tapping into your creative expression; your truth; your inner authority, to realize your inherent belonging and worth.
It’s about claiming your personal power, spiritual fire, wild wisdom, and soul-centred leadership.
If you’re ready, this is the invitation, and this journey is for you.
Nature is talking…
Are you listening?

Send a message to find out more

“The power comes to us first to make us what we should be, and then flows through us and out to others.”
-Frank Fools Crow